Easy Dental

Printing patient surveys

You should print a patient survey as patients arrive for their appointments. The printed survey will list information previously entered, including patient, referral, spouse or guarantor, employment, and insurance information, and any answers that you entered in the patient survey for the selected patient. The patient can then correct the entries that are inaccurate and add any missing information as necessary.

To print a patient survey

1.   In the Patients module, select the patient you want to print a patient survey for.

2.   In the Patients toolbar, click the Survey button.

The Patient Survey dialog box appears.


3.   Click Print.

The Print Setup dialog box appears.

4.   Select a printer, and then click OK.

Note: The survey has two pages. The first page contains basic patient information such as name, address, employer, insurance information, and referral sources. The second page contains your customized questions. Any information previously entered into Easy Dental will print on the form. All the patient has to do is fill in the blanks and make any necessary corrections.