Adding ZIP Codes
As you enter city and ZIP Code information for your patients, a database is compiled of those cities and their corresponding ZIP Codes. As a result, the first time you enter a ZIP Code, you are prompted to enter a corresponding city. When you next enter that ZIP Code for a patient, the city and state corresponding to that ZIP Code are filled in automatically.
To add a ZIP Code
1. In the Patients module, use Quick Search to select the patient you want to add a ZIP Code to.
The selected patient's information appears in the Patient's window.
2. Click the Address pane, and then click the Edit icon.
3. If necessary, under Street Address, type or edit the patient's street address.
4. To add a new ZIP Code, under City, State, Zip, click the Add icon.
The New Zip dialog box appears.
5. Type the ZIP Code, the city corresponding to the ZIP Code, and the state two-letter postal code in the appropriate text boxes.
6. Click OK.
The city, state, and ZIP Code information for the patient are added to the database.