Viewing more detail
When you open the Contacts module initially, Easy Dental displays Contact entries according to the View Filters default. Underneath the Contact entry date, a picture indicates the entry type and description. When you close the Contacts module, your display settings are saved and used as the default settings the next time you open the Contacts module.
To view more detail in a Contacts entry
1. In the Easy Dental toolbar, click Contacts.
2. Select the patient whose contact information you want to view.
The Contacts window appears listing the selected patient's contact information.
3. Select a contact entry from the list, and in the Contacts toolbar, click Show Information.
Detailed information of the selected contact entry appears on the right in the entry viewing pane.
4. To collapse the entry list, in the Contacts toolbar, click Collapse List.
5. To restore the list to the default or expanded view, in the Contacts toolbar, click Show Information.