Easy Dental

Sending insurance claims

You can send insurance claims directly from Easy Dental.

To send an insurance claim

1.   In the Accounts transaction log, double-click an insurance claim.

The Primary or Secondary Insurance Claim window appears.

2.   In the toolbar, click Print.

The Insurance Claim dialog box appears.

3.   Do one of the following:

·        Send to batch – Click to send the claim to the Batch Processor.

Note: The Batch Processor lists all claims that you have sent and includes the date you sent the claim, whether the claim is primary or secondary or a pre-treatment estimate, the insurance claim format, the patient’s name, and the name of the insurance carrier. You can print a claim from the Batch Processor as many times as needed. If you delete a claim from the Batch Processor, from the toolbar, click Print to re-send the claim.

·        Send Electronically – Click to immediately transmit the claim using Easy Dental eClaims.