Easy Dental

Creating secondary claims

You can create a secondary insurance claim any time after you create a primary claim. The primary claim does not need to be sent or received before you create the secondary claim.

When you create a primary claim and the patient has secondary insurance, the message “Secondary Insurance Claim has not been created” appears to remind you to create a secondary claim.

Note: If the Create Secondary button on the toolbar is grayed out, you did not assign secondary coverage to the patient before creating the primary claim.

To create a secondary claim

1.   In the Accounts transaction log, double-click the primary claim that you want to create a secondary claim for.

The Primary Insurance Claim window appears.

2.   In the toolbar, click Create Secondary.

The secondary claim is created, and the Secondary Insurance Claim window appears with the secondary coverage the patient had at the time you created the primary claim.

3.   In the toolbar, click Print.

You can print the claim immediately or send it to the Batch Processor and either print it later with other documents or send it electronically.

4.   In the toolbar, click Exit.