Easy Dental

Applying deductibles to insurance payments

If you receive a payment from an insurance carrier where money has been withheld for application to the deductible, you can apply those deductibles.

To apply a deductible to an insurance payment

1.   Select the patient you want to create an insurance payment for.

2.   From the transaction log, double-click the claim that you want to post the payment for.

The Primary or Secondary Insurance Claim window appears.

3.   In the Insurance claims window toolbar, click Enter Payment, and then click Itemize by Procedure or Total Payment Only.

·        If you select Itemize by Procedure, the Insurance Coverage Update dialog box appears.

·        Type the payment amounts for the procedures paid for with this insurance check.

·        Click OK.

·        If you select Total Payment Only, the Total Insurance Payment dialog box appears. Skip to step 4.


4.   Type the Check # of the insurance payment.

This information appears on deposit slips.

5.   Under Deductible Applied For Claim, type the amount the Explanation Of Benefits (EOB) shows has been applied to the patient’s deductible in the appropriate field.

·        Standard

·        Preventive

·        Other

6.   Do one of the following:

·        If you itemize the insurance payment, skip this step.

·        If you do not itemize the insurance payment, under Claim Totals, type the amount of the payment.

7.   Under Enter Adjustment, select Write-Off, and then in Total Amount, type the amount of the patient portion to write off.

8.   To post the insurance payment, click OK/Post.

9.   In the Insurance claims window toolbar, click Exit to return to the Accounts window.