Viewing the Day End Confirmation Report

From the Reports tab, you can view several reports including the Day End Confirmation Report, which shows a list of the day's claims that were sent to payers at the end of the day and summary information.


In the example above, TP stands for the type of claim that was submitted:

·        EC (electronic claim) - The claim was sent electronically to the insurance.

·        PP (paper claim) - If the claim has to be mailed, we will print and mail it for you. We will provide you with two notifications: one on the Day End Confirmation Report and another in the EDS Bridged stating it was printed and mailed.

·        RJ (rejected) - Claims will have error codes listed. You can scroll down to see what the errors mean. 

·        PD (pended) - These claims will not get sent out until the attachment requirements are met. 

This first section of the report (above) is an itemized list of what was submitted or awaiting additional information.

The second and third sections of the report (below) provide an overall summary of the first section followed by an error code description area.

The last section is the insurance claim response which will be the rejections from the payers. One will be the Day End Confirmation, the next is in the EDS Bridge under rejections from the payer. 



To  view the Day End Confirmation Report

1.   In the main EDS Bridge window, click the Reports tab.

Note: The Reports tab appears in the EDS Bridge window only if the Enable Reports Tab option is selected on the Features tab in the Configuration Settings dialog box.

2.   In the bottom right corner, click Load.

All the unread reports load in the Reports list.

3.   Under Report Name, click the link for the Day End Confirmation report you want to view, and the report opens in the PDF Viewer.