Adding staff

Staff members are employees who have not been entered as providers and will use Dentrix Enterprise. Before setting up staff members, consider the following:

Each staff member must be assigned a unique ID that is four to 10 characters in length. You can use initials, letters, numbers, underscores(_), and hyphens (-).

Staff members cannot be deleted but can be inactivated.

Wherever a staff member is displayed or printed in Dentrix Enterprise, it is usually only the staff ID that is seen.

Note: Adding staff members requires the "Clinic Resource Setup" security right. When you are adding a staff member, specifying the log-in credentials (ID and password) that the staff member will use to log in to Dentrix Enterprise requires the "Password Administration" security right.

To add a staff member

In the Clinic Resource Setup dialog box, next to the Staff list, click New.

The Staff Information dialog box appears.

Set up the following options:

Log On User ID - Enter the ID that this staff member will use to access Dentrix Enterprise.

Password - Enter the password that this staff member will use to access Dentrix Enterprise in the User Password box. Enter the same password in the Confirm Password box.

Note: The password must be seven to 11 characters in length and meet three of the following four requirements: have at least one uppercase letter, have at least one lowercase letter, have at least one number, and have at least one special character (for example, #, %, or &).

Clinic - Click the search button , and then select the clinic where the staff member works.

Note: Changing a staff member's clinic requires the "Clinic ID Change" security right.

Name - Enter the name of the staff member in the Last, First, and MI (middle initial) boxes.

ID - Enter a unique, alphanumeric ID for the staff member that is four to 10 characters in length.

Note: Wherever a staff member is displayed or printed in Dentrix Enterprise, it is usually only the staff ID that is seen.

Title - Enter the staff member's position (for example, receptionist or office manager).

Address - Enter the staff member's home address.

Phone - Enter the staff member's home phone number and extension (if applicable).

SS # - Enter the staff member's Social Security Number.

Electronic Rx User - To set up this user's ePrescribe access from the clinic you are currently logged on to, click this button. You must be logged on to Dentrix Enterprise as a user who has administrative access to ePrescribe to access this area of the ePrescribe setup.

Click OK.