Right-clicking appointments

In Appointment Book, do any of the following:

Right-click an appointment - A shortcut menu appears.

The menu if you right-click a patient appointment

The menu if you right-click a
new-patient appointment

From the shortcut menu for a patient appointment, you can perform the following Appointment Book functions:

View other appointments for a patient and other family members.

View alerts and notes for a patient.

View information for a patient's claim.

Print a route slip.

Complete an appointment.

Break an appointment.

Delete an appointment.

Move appointments to the Pinboard.

Open other Dentrix Enterprise modules.

From the shortcut menu for a new-patient appointment, you can perform the following Appointment Book functions:

View and edit new-patient information.

Print a route slip.

Move appointments to the Pinboard.

Break an appointment.

Delete an appointment.

Create a Family File record using information from the appointmentfrom an online patient form.

While pressing Shift, right-click an appointment - A tooltip appears and displays the following appointment details: patient name, appointment reason, contact phone number, provider, date, time, status, and scheduler.

Note: This feature can be especially helpful while you are using the week view to locate appointments.