You can enter a new prescription into ePrescribe.
Note: You can also view the electronic prescriptions in the Patient Prescription module of Dentrix Enterprise.
To enter a new prescription
Note: The steps that follow are based on a provider/doctor role. However, for a POB (prescribe on behalf) user role, what you actually see may differ.
In ePrescribe, do one of the following:
If you are a provider, click Select Med >>.
If you are someone who prescribes on behalf (POB) of another, select the provider whom you are prescribing on behalf of, and then click New Rx >>.
The Choose Medication page opens.
The green, yellow, and red faces represent formulary indicators, which are based on the patient's insurance plan:
The green face indicates a preferred status.
The yellow face indicates an approved status.
The red face is indicates an unapproved status.
Additionally, the number next to the faces represents levels of preference within a formulary.
A yellow triangle represents a pre-emptive drug utilization review (DUR) warning:
Drug to drug interactions
Adverse reactions
Dosage checks
Duplicate therapies
Search for medications by using any of the following options:
Patient History - Search the medications prescribed previously for the patient.
My History - Search the medications that you have prescribed in the past.
All Meds - Search the entire medication database, which is maintained by Medi-Span.
Do one of the following:
If you are using the Patient History or My History search option, do the following:
Select the check boxes of the desired prescriptions. Only complete prescriptions are available for selection.
Note: If you select a medication with either a yellow or a red face, the Formulary Alternatives panel on the right may be populated, allowing you to choose an alternative medication, which may result in a lower co-payment for the patient.
To the right of any medication name, you can change the Quantity, DAW, Refills, and/or Days as needed.
If you are using the All Meds search option, do the following:
Enter a medication name in the Search Medication search box, and then click GO.
Select the desired medication.
Click Select Sig >.
The Choose SIG page opens.
Select the appropriate sig for the medication being prescribed:
Preferred - Displays a list of the common ways of prescribing this medication.
All - Provides every generic option of prescribing a medication.
Write Free Text SIG - Allows you to write complex directions or to write a sig that cannot be found for Preferred or All.
Set up the following options:
Days Supply - Enter the number of days needed for the prescription. Based on the sig and instructions, the correct Quantity is entered automatically. However, if your practice dispenses medication by quantity, enter a Quantity to have the Days Supply entered automatically.
Note: If the calculated quantity on the sig page is above 9,999, a quantity alert appears.
Refills - Enter the number of refills for this prescription.
Choose Package/Unit - If this option is available, the list displays packages or units from the smallest to the largest package size.
Dispense as Written - Select this check box if no substitutes may be given at the pharmacy.
Library - Admin & Dosage - Click this link to be directed to the Wolters Kluwer facts and comparisons library (Deluxe users only).
Special instructions to pharmacist - Enter any additional comments that you want to send with the prescription to the selected pharmacy. The pharmacy staff will be the only ones who see these comments as this is not for communication with the patient.
To enter a free-form prescription (for a unique prescription), do the following:
Click Write Free Form Rx.
Next to Please choose, select whether this is a Compound Medication or a Supply Item. If it is a compound medication, and it is a controlled substance, select the Controlled Substance Medication check box.
In the Medication box, enter a medication. This box has a maximum limit of 105 characters.
Click Select Sig.
In the box, enter a free-form prescription. This box has a maximum limit of 140 characters.
Set up the following options:
Days Supply - Enter the number of days needed for the prescription.
Quantity - Enter the quantity of this medication to dispense, and select the unit (such as ML) to dispense this medication in.
Refills - Enter the number of refills for this prescription.
Dispense as Written - Select this check box if no substitutes may be given at the pharmacy.
Special instructions to pharmacist - Enter any additional comments that you want to send with the prescription to the selected pharmacy. The pharmacy staff will be the only ones who see these comments as this is not for communication with the patient.
Do one of the following:
To add a medication to your script pad (similar to a shopping cart at an online store) and continue prescribing, click Add to Script Pad >. You are returned to the Choose Medication page. Repeat steps 1-3 as needed to enter another prescription.
If you are done prescribing, to add a medication to your script pad and review your script pad for patient safety and accuracy, click Add & Review >>.
After you click Add & Review, if the DUR Check (Drug Utilization Review) page appears, read and respond to it appropriately. Otherwise, if there are no DUR warnings to show, the DUR Warning page does not appear, so skip this step.
The DUR Check page displays all DUR warnings on one screen for all listed medications. The warnings are grouped by category (Prior Adverse Reaction, Duplicate Therapy, Drug to Drug Interaction, and so forth). Do the following:
Under Script Pad (on the right), for any of the prescriptions listed, click Edit to change the prescription or Remove to delete the prescription.
Click Continue.
Note: You cam click Back to go back and choose a different medication for the patient, if necessary.
The Script Pad page appears.
Review the listed prescriptions, and select the appropriate Destination.
For a provider:
Send to Pharmacy - Send the prescription to the retail pharmacy last used by the patient.
Send to Mail Order - Send the prescription to the patient's mail order pharmacy.
Print - Print the prescription for the patient (for any prescription with a Schedule II - V this is the default).
Send to Assistant - Save the prescription and send a task to the assistant's Task List to be processed at a later time.
Patient Reported - Record the prescription in the patient's medical record (does not print or send a prescription to the pharmacy).
For a prescribe on behalf of (POB):
Send to Pharmacy - Send the prescription to the retail pharmacy last used by the patient.
Send to Mail Order - Send the prescription to the patient's mail order pharmacy.
Print - Print the prescription for the patient (for any prescription with a Schedule II - V this is the default).
Send to Physician w/ Current Pharmacy - Send the prescription to the physician with the current retail pharmacy selected (will show up in the doctor's Task List).
Send to Physician w/ Mail Order - Send the prescription to the physician with the current mail order pharmacy selected (will show up in the doctor's Task List).
Send to Physician - Send the prescription to the physician (will show up on the physician's Tasks tab).
Patient Reported - Record the prescription in the patient's medical record (does not print or send a prescription to the pharmacy).
Note: You can also perform any of the following Actions for a prescription: edit, duplicate, and delete.
For provider's in New York, to indicate that you have checked the state registry, select the State Registry Checked check box.
If needed, do any of the following:
To add another medication, click Select Med.
To change the patient's selected pharmacy, click Change Pharmacy.
To save the medications within the patient's record, and send the prescriptions to the selected destinations, click Process Script Pad.
If you are electronically sending any prescriptions for controlled substances to a pharmacy, the Electronic Prescribing of a Controlled Substance Confirmation dialog box appears. Proceed to step 10.
You must electronically sign any prescriptions for controlled substances that you want to electronically send to a pharmacy:
Select the check boxes of the prescriptions that you want to be processed.
Note: Your user name appears for your reference, and your DEA number is selected automatically.
Enter your Veradigm (formerly Allscripts) security account credentials in the User Name and Password boxes.
In the One Time Password (O.T.P.) box, enter the OTP that you generate with the Authenticator app on your smart device.
Click Electronically Sign and Send.