Assigning security rights

When assigning user rights, keep in mind which tasks each individual performs. Some rights are directly related to others. Assign rights to only those individuals who will have a need to perform that operation.

Note: Assigning security rights requires the "Password Administration" security right.

To assign security rights to a user

In the Security Rights Setup dialog box, in the Select User list, select a user.

From the Clinic selected list, select the clinic that you want to assign rights for.

To show active and inactive users or show only active users in the Select User list, select or clear the List Inactive check box.

Under Preview, click Edit Rights.

The Edit User Rights dialog box appears.

If you want to assign rights to a clinic other than the one selected in the Select Clinic list, select a different clinic. When the dialog box opens initially, by default, the selected clinic is the one that you selected in step 2.

Select the desired check boxes.


When first opened, the security options list is "collapsed," thus hiding the detailed security options for each category. To expand the list and view all security options, click Expand List (clicking Collapse List will collapse the entire list). You can also click the plus (+) sign next a certain category to see the detailed rights (clicking the minus (-) sign will collapse that category).

If a category is collapsed or expanded, selecting the category check box will select the check box for all the options in that category. To enable all rights for the selected user, click Select All. To disable all rights for the selected user, click Remove All.

Dentrix Enterprise requires that you to set up at least one user with "Password Administration" rights (by selecting the Password Administration check box in the Administration category). Dentrix Enterprise will not allow you to exit this dialog box unless at least one user is given Password Administration rights.

Do one of the following:

Click OK to save the rights for the user and close the dialog box.

Click Apply to save the rights without closing the dialog box. Repeat steps 5-7 as needed.

If you need to change or create the selected user's password, click Change Password (this button is only available if a user is selected). In the Change Password dialog box that appears, enter a password for the user in the New Password box, re-enter the same password in the Confirm Password box, and then click OK.

These password boxes cannot be left blank. The password must be seven to 11 characters in length and meet three of the following four requirements: have at least one uppercase letter, have at least one lowercase letter, have at least one number, and have at least one special character (for example, #, %, or &).

Assign the user a password that will not be forgotten. It is recommended that the password for the password administrators (the persons with "Password Administration" rights) be written down and placed in a secure location.