If you use Axia to process credit cards, you can store credit cards on file for future or recurring payments.
Credit cards on file are not stored in Dentrix Enterprise but in Axia.
Opening the Patient Finances window requires the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right. Adding credit cards on file requires the "Patient Finances, Add Payment Method" security right.
To add a credit card on file
With a patient selected in Ledger, do one of the following:
the Patient Finances button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, click Patient Finances.
If applicable, do one of the following:
If the Password - Patient Finances, Modify dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Patient Finances, Modify" task. Do one of the following:
If your user account has been granted the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.
If your user account has not been granted the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can access the Patient Finances window this one time. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can access the Patient Finances window this one time, do the following:
On the message, click Yes.
In the Password - Patient Finances, Modify dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
The Patient Finances window appears.
Select the Wallet tab.
Click New Method.
If applicable, do one of the following:
If the Password - Patient Finances, Add Payment Method dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Patient Finances, Add Payment Method" task. Do one of the following:
If your user account has been granted the "Patient Finances, Add Payment Method" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.
If your user account has not been granted the "Patient Finances, Add Payment Method" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can add a payment method this one time. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Patient Finances, Add Payment Method" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can add a payment method this one time, do the following:
On the message, click Yes.
In the Password - Patient Finances, Add Payment Method dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
The Create Payment Method options appear.
Select the Credit Card Terminal to use for swiping the card.
Click Add Card.
Either the cardholder swipes or inserts the card in the terminal, or you enter the card details using the terminal.
Enter a Card Name to identify the card on file.
Note: Make sure that you obtain permission from the cardholder to keep this card on file for future or recurring payments. The The patient has authorized this payment method to be saved on file for future transactions check box is selected to help remind you.
Click Save.