In Document Center, you can filter the documents that appear in a selected entity's (patient, family, provider, staff, employer, referral, or insurance plan) document tree by acquisition date, document type, and attachment.
To filter the list in the document tree
In Document Center, do one of the following:
the Filters button
on the View
On the View menu, click Filters.
The View By [Entity] Filter dialog box appears. (The name varies, depending on the selected view.)
Set up the following options:
Select Document Types - The document types that you want to view. Do any of the following:
To view all types, select the All Document Types check box.
If the All Document Types check box is selected, to deselect all types (except to first one) in the list so you can select particular types, clear the check box, deselect the first type if you do not want to view it, and then select the types that you do want to view.
If the All Document Types check box is selected, to not view all types, deselect the types in the list that you do not want to view.
If the All Document Types check box is clear, to change which types to view, select and deselect types in the list as needed.
At least one document type must be selected.
For your reference, "All Types" (if all document types are selected) or "Selected Types" (if particular document types are selected) appears on the status bar of the Document Center window.
Include Documents Attached To - With a patient selected in Document Center, to also view which of that patient's documents are also attached to that patient's preferred primary provider, employer, outbound referral entities, inbound referral entities, dental insurance plan, and/or medical insurance plan. Select and clear the following check boxes as needed to include or not include, respectively, documents for the corresponding entities:
Patient's Provider - The patient's preferred primary provider (Prov1 in Family File).
Patient's Employer - The patient's employer.
Patient's Referred TO - Any entities that are associated with outbound referrals for the patient.
Patient's Referred BY - Any entities that are associated with inbound referrals for the patient.
Patient's Dental Insurance - The patient's dental insurance plans.
Patient's Medical Insurance - The patient's medical insurance plans.
If a document has multiple attachments, for each of those attached non-patient entities that corresponds to a check box that is selected, that entity's document appears along with the patient's document.
These options are available only if a patient is selected.
If you are viewing documents for a family, the applicable entities' documents appear for each family member.
For your reference, if any of these options are selected, "Includes Documents Attached" appears on the status bar of the Document Center window.
Reference Date - Enter a date range in the From and To boxes to view documents acquired during the specified range; select All Dates for both From and To to view documents regardless of the acquisition date; or enter a date in either From or To and select All Dates for the other option to use an open-ended date range.
Note: For your reference, one of the following date ranges appears on the status bar of the Document Center window: "All Dates" (if the All Dates option is selected for From and To), "[From date] - [To date]" (if a particular date is selected for From and To), "[From date] to <All>" (if a particular date is selected for From, and the All Dates option is selected for To), or "<All> to [To date]" (if the All Dates option is selected for From, and a particular date is selected for To).
To save the current filter settings for the next time you open Document Center, select the Save as default check box.
Click OK.