Setting up the clinic schedule

Occasionally, you may need to change the hours that your office is open for a particular date. In Dentrix Enterprise, you can change your office's working hours for a given day or close the office completely on a given day. Changing the office's hours of operation for a day or closing the office on a day does not make changes to any scheduled appointments. For example, if appointments are scheduled in a given clinic for March 5th, and then you close the clinic for March 5th, those appointment remain scheduled on March 5th.


You cannot change the office hours or open the office for a day that is closed according to the clinic's default schedule.

A clinic's schedule applies to all computers and every Appointment Book view with that clinic assigned to it.

Configuring the clinic schedule for Appointment Book requires the "Appointments, Setup Schedule" security right.

To customize a clinic's schedule for a particular day

Make sure that you are logged in to the correct clinic. In Appointment Book, on the Setup menu, click Clinic Schedule.

If applicable, do one of the following:

If the Password - Appointments, Setup Schedule dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Appointments, Setup Schedule" task. Do one of the following:

If your user account has been granted the "Appointments, Setup Schedule" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.

If your user account has not been granted the "Appointments, Setup Schedule" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can set up the schedule of the clinic this one time. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.

If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Appointments, Setup Schedule" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can set up the schedule of the clinic this one time, do the following:

On the message, click Yes.

In the Password - Appointments, Setup Schedule dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.

The Schedule Calendar for Clinic dialog box appears.

Click the Back or Forward button to navigate to the correct month.

Do any of the following as needed:

To override the clinic's office hours for a day, do the following:

Double-click an open day.

The Set Time Limits dialog box appears.

In the Set Time Limits dialog box, you can divide up the working hours for the day into one to three time ranges. The office is considered closed during times that are not included in the specified time ranges. For each time range, do any of the following to add or edit the Start Time and/or End Time as needed:

Enter a time in the corresponding box.

Note: You can enter a time using various formats. For example, you can type 8a, 8am, or 8 AM; 1p, 1pm, or 1 PM; 8:30a, 8:30am, or 8:30 AM; or 1:30p, 1:30pm, or 1:30 PM.

To use the time selector, do the following:

Click the corresponding search button .

The Select Time dialog box appears.

Do any of the following:

Drag the slider left or right to decrease or increase the time.

Click the left arrow button to decrease the time one appointment unit at a time (the length is determined by the clinic's time block size).

Click the right arrow button to increase the time one appointment unit at a time (the length is determined by the clinic's time block size).

Click between the slider and the left arrow to decrease the time one hour at a time.

Click between the slider and the right arrow to increase the time one hour at a time.

Click OK.

Note: None of the time ranges can overlap.

To apply these time changes to the schedule for all operatories on this date (overriding but not changing the default availability), select the Update Op. Schedules check box.

Click OK.

To apply an office closure for a day, do the following:

Select an open day.

On the Office Closed menu, click Close Office on selected date to close the office for the selected day. The box for that day becomes a darker gray, and the times disappear. You can use this option to close the office for a yearly holiday that does not occur on the same day of the month every year (for example, Thanksgiving).

To set a yearly holiday for a day, do the following:

Select an open or closed day.

On the Office Closed menu, click Set Yearly Holiday on selected day to close the office for the selected day. The box for that day becomes pink, and the times disappear. You can use this option to close the office for a yearly holiday that falls on the same day of the month every year (for example, Christmas is always on December 25).

To open the office for a day, do the following:

Select a closed day.

On the Office Closed menu, click one of the following options:

Open Office - To open the office for the selected day if an office closure was applied to it. The box for that day returns to its normal gray color, and the default times reappear.

Delete Holiday - To open the office for the selected day if a yearly holiday was set for it. The box for that day returns to its normal gray color, and the default times reappear (if they were visible before the holiday was set).

Click Close.