Editing consent form templates

You can edit consent form templates as needed. Any changes will not affect consent forms that have already been added to patient records using the same template.

Note: Modifying consent form templates requires the "Consent Forms, Template Setup" security right.

To edit a consent form template

In Treatment Planner, expand the Supporting Information section on the Navigation panel.

Under Informed Consent, click Add.

The Consent Form dialog box appears.

Click the Template Setup button .

The Template Setup dialog box appears.

Expand a category, and select the template that you want to edit.

Click Edit Template.

Note: This button is available only if a template is selected.

The Edit Consent Form Template dialog box appears.

Do any of the following as needed:

Select a different Category to move the template to that category.

In the Template Name box, change the name for the template.

Add or remove prompts.

Note: A consent form template can have multiple prompts with an odontogram to select teeth, quadrants, or sextants, but the text of a consent form can have only one odontogram. If you use a template with multiple odontograms, one consolidated odontogram will be inserted into the form text with all the applicable selections. If an odontogram has already been inserted into the form text, you cannot use another template with an odontogram for the same form.

In the Consent Form Text box, change the default text of the consent form template.

Note: To check the spelling of the text, click the Check Spelling button (this button is available only if a certain preference setting has been enabled).

To insert a prompt where the text cursor is located in the Consent Form Text box, select a prompt from the Consent Form Prompts list, and then click Insert Prompt in Text.

Note: You may need to add a space before and after the prompt placeholder (which uses the format "~[prompt name]~"), so the completed consent form will be displayed properly.

To change the order of the prompts, under Consent Form Prompts, select a prompt, and then click Move Up or Move Down to move the prompt up or down by one item in the list. When you add text to a form using this template, the prompts will appear in the specified order regardless of where they are inserted in the text.

Click OK.

In the Template Setup dialog box, click Close.

In the Consent Form dialog box, click Close because you do not want to attach the consent form to the case; you were only accessing a form so that you could edit a template.