You can edit a patient alert as needed.
Note: You can edit a family alert (a patient alert attached to a family) with any family member selected.
To edit an existing patient alert
When you access a patient's alerts, if the patient has at least one patient alert, the Patient Alert dialog box appears and displays the existing patient alerts. Select the alert that you want to edit.
Note: The Fam/Pat column indicates whether an alert is for the patient or the family.
Click Edit.
The Edit Patient Alert dialog box appears.
Change any of the following options:
Select Date - Do one of the following:
To specify the date range for which you want the patient alert to appear when information about the patient is accessed and/or for which you want an icon to appear on the patient's appointments, if the Always checkbox is selected, clear it, and then enter the desired date range. In the Start box, enter the starting date (in a mm/dd/yyyy format). In the End box, enter the ending date (in a mm/dd/yyyy format).
Note: Dentrix Enterprise automatically adds slashes to dates when you enter six or eight numbers (mmddyy or mmddyyyy) and then press the Tab key.
To always have the patient alert appear when information about the patient is accessed and/or to always have an icon appear on the patient's appointments, if the Always checkbox is clear, select it.
Patient / Family - With the Patient option selected, the alert appears for only this patient. With the Family option selected, the alert appears for this patient and all family members.
The Fam/Pat column in the Patient Alert dialog box indicates whether an alert is for the patient or the family.
When a patient or family alert message appears, you can tell whether it is for the patient or the family by what appears on the title bar of the message.
Description - A description (up to 15 characters in length) for the patient alert (for example "Collections" or "Pre-medicate").
Patient Alert should display for the patient in the following areas - The areas of Dentrix Enterprise where you want the patient alert to appear. Deselect specific areas in the list, select specific areas in the list, or select the All checkbox to select all the areas.
Options - Select or clear the following checkboxes:
Show Symbol on Appointment - With this checkbox selected, a flag symbol appears in the upper-right corner of appointments for the patient. With this checkbox clear, a flag symbol does not appear.
Display Aged Balance with Note - With this checkbox selected, the patient's account balance information appears with the alert. With this checkbox clear, the account balance information does not appear.
Note - The main text of the alert.
To check the spelling of the note text, click the
Check Spelling button (this button
is available only if a certain preference
setting has been enabled).
Click OK.