Often insurance plans are inadvertently entered into the system multiple times. This can cause confusion and problems when you enter batch insurance payments or update coverage tables, payment tables, and other insurance information.
To delete duplicate dental insurance plans from Dentrix Enterprise
Print the Insurance Carrier List to help you to determine which insurance plans have duplicates and which ones need to be deleted. From DXOne Reporting, select Ledger, and then double-click Insurance Carrier List. With Standard List selected, select Include Subscribers, click OK, and then print the report.
Print the Insurance Claim Aging Report and make sure that the insurance plans that you want to delete are not currently on this report. From DXOne Reporting, select Ledger, then double-click Insurance Claim Aging. Leave "Over 0" selected in the Minimum Days Past Due list, click OK, and then print the report.
Update the insurance plan that you want to keep by adding an asterisk (*) to the Carrier Name so that you will be able to easily identify the plan. You can also change other plan information as needed. When you click OK to save the changes, if the Insurance Plan Changed dialog box appears, select the Change Plan for All option, and then click OK.
Important: Duplicates can look exactly the same, so you should mark the plan that you want to keep. This will allow you to assign the correct plan and not one of the duplicates.
Attach the correct insurance plan (the one marked with an asterisk) to all subscribers and patients who are covered under that plan by joining insurance plans. Run the utility for each duplicate insurance plan that you do not want to keep. For the Source Insurance Plan, select an insurance plan that you want to remove. For the Destination Insurance Plan, select the insurance plan that you want to keep (the one with an asterisk)
Purge the unused insurance plans.
Update the insurance plan that you kept to remove the asterisk (*) from the Carrier Name. When you click OK to save the change, on the Insurance Plan Changed dialog box that appears, select the Change Plan for All option, and then click OK.
Repeat steps 3-6 as needed.