PATCOMP.DOC – Patient Completion

September 9, 2010


Dear Patricia,

Congratulations! Based on your most recent examination which occurred on September 2, 2010, you have now finished the active phase of your periodontal treatment. Although it is not something you might have looked forward to, we hope it was not as difficult an experience as you might have thought.

Let us take a moment to re-emphasize some of the things we have discussed over the past treatment period.

First, periodontal disease is NEVER cured; however, it can be controlled. Hence, our program of periodontal maintenance rather than just "teeth cleaning."

You also may recall our discussion of the various types of periodontitis as opposed to gingivitis. The more recent periodontal literature describes five different classes of periodontitis: prepubertal, juvenile, adult, rapidly progressive, and refractory periodontitis. With the exception of prepubertal and juvenile periodontitis, it is very difficult to make a definitive differential diagnosis of adult, rapidly progressive, or refractory periodontitis. The passage of time will be the confirming evidence. Since adult periodontitis is the least serious, we want to confirm that yours does not go beyond that in the coming years.

We have also talked about prognosis of two kinds: one for the entire dentition and the other for individual teeth. Generally when a favorable general prognosis is given, it means it is very unlikely one will ever have to wear full dentures. Sometimes, despite the best care on the part of the patient and the therapist, individual teeth may be lost. That, of course, we hope will not happen.

Last of all, let us stress the significance of two additional concepts: gum massage (besides tooth brushing) and the utmost importance of using the rubber tip daily.

Good luck, we are looking forward to seeing you at your next periodontal maintenance visit. Please feel free to call if you ever have any questions about your mouth.


                                                                                                           Dennis D. Smith, D.D.S.