Editing patient questionnaires

You can edit patient questionnaires as needed.

To edit a patient questionnaire

In the Patient Questionnaire dialog box, select a questionnaire.

Click Edit.

The Questionnaire Setup dialog box appears.

If necessary, change the name for the questionnaire in the Questionnaire Title box.

Do any of the following as needed:

To add a statement/question, do the following:

Click New.

The Statement/Question for Questionnaire dialog box appears.

In the Statement/Question box, enter the text for a statement/question as you want it to appear on the questionnaire.


Questions and statements can appear on the questionnaire. Questions ask the patient to provide information. Statements provide the patient with information (such as instructions for completing the form).

Remember to use proper spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.

Under Statement/Question Type and Default Value for Patient Responses, select one of the following options to specify the type of statement/question and a default response (where applicable):

Display Text Only - Use for a statement.

Note/Explanation - Use for a question that requires text to be entered. With this option selected, you can enter the default note or explanation in the corresponding box.

Number/Amount - Use for a question that requires a number to be entered.  With this option selected, you can enter the default number in the corresponding box.

Yes/No - Use for a question that requires a yes or no answer. With this option selected, you can select the default answer: Yes or No.

Date - Use for a question that requires a date to be entered. With this option selected, you can enter the default date (in a mm/dd/yyyy format) in the corresponding box.

Note: Dentrix Enterprise automatically adds slashes to dates when you enter six or eight numbers (mmddyy or mmddyyyy) and then press the Tab key.

Click OK.

To edit a statement/question, do the following:

Select a statement/question.

Click Edit.

The Statement/Question for Questionnaire dialog box appears.

In the Statement/Question box, enter the text for a statement/question as you want it to appear on the questionnaire.


Questions and statements can appear on the questionnaire. Questions ask the patient to provide information. Statements provide the patient with information (such as instructions for completing the form).

Remember to use proper spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.

Under Statement/Question Type and Default Value for Patient Responses, change the default response for the selected type of question:

Note/Explanation - The default note or explanation for a question that requires text to be entered.

Number/Amount - The default number for a question that requires a number to be entered.

Yes/No - The default answer for a yes or no question: Yes or No.

Date - The default date (in a mm/dd/yyyy format) for a question that requires a date to be entered.

Note: Dentrix Enterprise automatically adds slashes to dates when you enter six or eight numbers (mmddyy or mmddyyyy) and then press the Tab key.

Click OK.

Note: If you need to change the type of statement or question (for example, from Note/Explanation to Date), delete the statement/question, and then re-enter it correctly.

To delete a statement/question, do the following:

Select a statement/question.

Click Delete.

A confirmation message appears.

Note: If this questionnaire is attached to any patients' records, a message appears and warns you that, if you delete this statement/question, the statement/question and the patients' responses will be removed from those questionnaires.

Click Yes.

To change the order of a statement/question on the questionnaire, do the following:

Select a statement/question.

Click Move Up or Move Down as needed to move the statement/question to the desired position in the list.

Click OK.