Independent modules

The following independent modules of Dentrix Enterprise each manage specific types of information:

Office Manager - Office Manager offers useful, customizable reports and lists (reports are also available in DXOne Reporting). Office Manager works with Microsoft Word® to help you create effective, professional-looking letters: welcome letters, congratulatory letters, thank-you notes, a variety of appointment and continuing care reminders, progress reports, and collection notices. Additionally, Office Manager contains a set of utilities that you can use to customize Dentrix Enterprise to fit your needs.

Family File - Family File can help you manage patient and insurance information. In Family File, you can keep track of a patient's name, address, employer, insurance information, notes, and continuing care (recare or recall), and other important information.

Appointment Book - Appointment Book can help you manage appointments and maximize production by using visual, goal-oriented scheduling. In Appointment Book, you can make changes to scheduled appointments easily and reschedule appointments by dragging them. Convenient toolbars and flip tabs help you navigate through the schedule, search for open times, organize appointments and notes, record broken appointments, and print route slips. Also, you can clearly see the times when a clinic is closed and when a provider is unavailable.

Chart - Chart can help you manage the clinical information of patients. In Chart, you can post existing, completed, and recommended procedures. Additionally, you can keep extensive and detailed notes regarding patient care in Chart.

Ledger - Ledger helps you manage the financial information of patients. When you set procedures complete from Patient Chart or Appointment Book, Dentrix Enterprise automatically posts those procedures in Ledger. Ledger contains a record of all financial transactions entered into Dentrix Enterprise, including charges, payments, and adjustments. You can create claims and pre-treatment estimates in Ledger. Ledger also provides you with information concerning patient portions versus insurance portions, deductibles owed, and payment arrangements.

DXOne Reporting - DXOne Reporting provides you with reports that will assist you in analyzing your practice. You can schedule these reports to be generated automatically on a daily, weekly, monthly, or one-time basis. Additionally, you can send reports generated in DXOne Reporting as an email attachment to the Central clinic, a consultant, or an accountant.

Document Center - Document Center can help you create a truly paperless office. You can scan, capture, and import documents (such as patient medical and dental history, proof of income, insurance cards, patient letters, EOBs, and referral letters) or images (such as patient pictures and X-rays). You can then attach these documents to patients, providers, insurance carriers, and referral sources; or you can print or email them. You can open Document Center from Appointment Book, Family File, Chart, Collections Manager, Office Manager, and DXOne Reporting.

Treatment Planner - Treatment Planner is designed to bridge the gap between doctor and patient by providing patients with easy-to-understand treatment options. You can open Treatment Planner from Appointment Book, Family File, Chart, Ledger, and Document Center.

More Information - More Information provides you with access to an entire overview of patient information, such as basic demographics, future appointments, treatment plans, medical information, treatment requests, and aged balances. You can add a picture to a patient's profile. You can customize the patient information view to suit your preferences. Also, you can quickly switch between viewing information for a patient and that patient's family members. You can open More Information from Appointment Book, Chart, Family File, Ledger, Treatment Planner, Document Center, Office Manager, and DXOne Reporting.

Office Journal - Office Journal can help you keep administrative notes, peer reviews, billing notices, letters, reminders, and phone call conversations organized. In Office Journal, you can also record communications with patients and team members. You can open Office Journal from Appointment Book, Appointment List, ASAP List, Open List, Unscheduled List, Pinboard List, Continuing Care, Family File, Ledger, Chart, Treatment Planner, Document Center, More Information, Collections Manager, Office Manager, DXOne Reporting, and Referral Analysis.

Medical Alerts - You can access medical alerts (problems, allergies, medications, and implantable devices) from Family File, Chart, and Treatment Planner. When a patient has a health condition that requires attention, the Medical Alerts button on the toolbar in those modules and the Medical Alerts symbol on the patient's appointment in Appointment Book is red. You can click the button, or symbol, to view a list of the patient's medical alerts. You can also add, edit, and delete medical alerts as needed.

Collections Manager - Collections Manager can help you increase your practice's revenue by decreasing your accounts receivable. Based on criteria you select, Collections Manager displays a list of accounts that need to be contacted. From this list, you have access to necessary information when you are contacting a person regarding his or her account, including aged balance, payment information, Office Journal entries, and insurance estimates. You can open Collections Manager from Ledger or Office Manager.

Family Balance Manager - With Family Balance Manager, you can identify accounts with credit and charge balances and then post write-offs on those accounts at the same time. You can open Family Balance Manager from Ledger or Office Manager.

Signature Manager - With Signature Manager, you can sign multiple clinical notes at one time. You can open Signature Manager from Office Manager, Ledger, Family File, Chart, and Appointment Book.

Scheduling Assistant - Scheduling Assistant enhances the scheduling workflow by combining Continuing Care, Unscheduled Appointments, ASAP, Unscheduled Treatment Plans, and Treatment Request Manager lists into one window. Also, Scheduling Assistant includes quick access to a patient's details and Office Journal entries. You can open Scheduling Assistant from Office Manager, Ledger, Family File, Chart, and Appointment Book.