Changing the authorization option for e-claims

You can specify what to base authorization on when a user attempts to send an individual claim or pre-treatment estimate electronically.


Accessing the Security Rights Setup dialog box requires the "Password Administration" security right.

A certain global setting controls the e-claims security override setting on the Options tab of the Security Rights Setup dialog box. The global setting controls the following functionality:

With the global setting set to On, the Options tab is available. You can select whether authorization to send electronic claims is based on the claim clinic or the Batch Processor clinic (the clinic a user is logged in to when attempting to send e-claims from Office Manager). Changing the e-claims setting requires the "Security Right Options, Add/Edit" security right.

With the global setting set to Off, the Options tab is not available. Authorization to send electronic claims is based on the claim clinic. By default, the global setting is set to Off.

To change the authorization option

In the Security Rights Setup dialog box, select the Options tab.

Notes: These options are available only if your user account has been granted the "Security Right Options, Add/Edit" security right.

Select one of the following options to specify what you want to base authorization on when sending an individual claim or pre-treatment estimate:

Logged on clinic - A user can send claim electronically if that user has the "Send Electronic Claims" right for the clinic that he or she is logged in to when attempting to send e-claims from the Batch Processor in Office Manager.

Claim clinic - A user can send claim electronically if that user has the "Send Electronic Claims" right for the clinic that the claim is associated with.

Click Apply.