Viewing the claims on an ERA

To view the claims that are associated with an ERA, in the Insurance Collection Manager window, in the upper list, select an ERA.

The associated claims appear in the ERA Claims list.

For each claim in the ERA Claims list, the following information appears:

Status - A symbol that represents the status of the claim.

Date - The claim's start date.

Claim Type:

Prim Pmt - Primary insurance plan payment.

Sec Pmt - Secondary insurance plan payment.

Subscriber ID - The ID of the subscriber of the insurance plan.

Subscriber Name - The name of the subscriber of the insurance plan. If the claim has been matched, the name is a link that you can click to open the corresponding person's More Information window.

Patient Name - The name of the patient on the claim. If the claim has been matched, the name is a link that you can click to open the corresponding patient's More Information window.

Billed Amt - The amount that was billed to insurance.

Paid Amt - The amount that was paid by insurance.