Retrieving eEOBs manually

For a claim that you send through eClaims, if the payor provides an eEOB, Dentrix Enterprise can retrieve the eEOB for that claim automatically. However, you can manually download an eEOB from the eCentral Insurance Manager.

To retrieve an eEOB manually

In your web browser, log in to the eCentral Insurance Manager.

On the Insurance menu, click Reports Manager.

Specify the date range of the report.

Under Report Types, make sure that the Explanation of Benefits check box is selected.

Click the Save 835 link of the EOB that you want to download (alternatively, you can open the EOB to verify it is the correct one and then click the Save 835 button).

Depending on your browser's settings, either the document is saved as a plain text (.txt) file in your browser's default "Downloads" folder, or a dialog box appears so that you can choose where on your computer to download the .txt file.