With Dentrix Enterprise, you can manage each patient's medical problems (conditions), medications, and allergies. You can also manage each patient's implantable devices. Use medical alerts to identify what a dental provider should be aware of before beginning treatment on a patient.
To access a patient's medical alerts
With a patient selected in Family File, do one of the following:
Double-click the Medical Alerts block.
Click the Medical Alerts button in the Medical Alerts block.
If the patient has at least one medical alert, the plus sign on the button is completely red. |
If the patient does not have any medical alerts, the plus sign on the button is gray with a red outline. |
Note: You can also view a patient's medical alerts from More Information, Ledger, Chart, Treatment Planner, Document Center, Appointment Book, or Patient Prescription.
To learn more about managing a patient's medical alerts, click any of the following links: