Changing the provider limit for report headers

What can appear next to "Provider" in the header of a DXOne Reporting report is customizable. The maximum number of providers that can appear in a report's header is 200. However, you can reduce that number by adding the following registry key value: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Dentrix Dental Systems, Inc.\DENTRIX\DXONEReporting\ProvHeaderLimit (type = REG_DWORD; data = 0 to 200 (Decimal) or 0 to c8 (Hexadecimal)).

When you generate a report, one of the following occurs:

If all providers are selected for a DXOne Reporting report, next to "Providers" in the report's header, "<ALL>" appears.

If specific providers are selected for a DXOne Reporting report, next to "Providers" in the report's header, up to 200 provider IDs can appear (depending on the Registry key value or the absence thereof) and then, if needed, "+ [the number of] Additional Provider Records."