Charting supernumerary teeth

Because it is not possible to select a supernumerary tooth in the graphical chart, it is necessary to chart the procedure or condition to the nearest tooth and then edit the procedure to reflect the correct supernumerary tooth number.

To chart a supernumerary tooth

After you have charted a procedure or condition, on the Progress Notes panel, double-click that procedure or condition to edit it.

If the procedure or condition requires a tooth number, the Tooth box is available. Enter the supernumerary tooth number or letter.

Use the following ADA recommendations for entering a supernumerary tooth:

Permanent Tooth - Add 50 to the tooth number nearest the supernumerary tooth (for example, 1 = 51, 2 = 52, 3 = 53, and 32 = 82).

Primary Tooth - Add an "S" after the tooth letter nearest the supernumerary tooth (for example, A = AS, B = BS, C = CS, and T = TS).

A message appears, asking if you want to accept the tooth number as a supernumerary tooth.

Click Yes.

Make any other changes to the procedure or condition as usual, and then save the changes.