Scheduling new patients
Before you can schedule a new patient, you need to enter that patient's information. You can do this from the Appointment Book without having to create a new family account first in the Family File. Instead, you can schedule your new patient, select the appointment from the Appointment Book, and then from the Family File, add a new patient with an appointment.
To schedule an appointment for a new patient
1. Find a new appointment time, locate an open schedule space, and then double-click the appropriate operatory at the desired time.
The Select Patient dialog box appears.
2. Type the first few letters of the patient's last name to ensure that the patient's name is not in the Dentrix database already, and then click New Patient.
The Enter New Patient Information dialog box appears.
3. Do the following:
· Type the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial in the corresponding fields.
· Type the patient's phone number in the Home # and/or Mobile # fields using any of these formats:
· 8015551212
· 801 555 1212
· 801-555-1212
· (801)555-1212
· Type the patient's email address.
· Type the patient's address.
4. (Optional) Click the Referred By search button and select a source.
5. Click OK.
The Appointment Information dialog box appears.
The appointment information is saved, and the appointment is added to the Appointment Book.