Dentrix Canada

Viewing appointment alerts

Appointments that appear in the Appointment Book may include alert buttons in the upper-right corner of the appointment, as shown in this example:

Clicking an alert button provides more information and options pertaining to the alert. The following list describes the alerts that can appear in an appointment:


Lab Case - A blue L button signifies that a lab case is attached to the appointment. Click the button to view the lab case information.

Lab Case - A red L button signifies that a lab case is required but not yet attached to the appointment. Click the button to open the Lab Case Manager.


Patient Alert - The patient has an alert. Click the button to view the Patient Alert.


Appointment Note - The patient's appointment has a note attached to it. Click the button to view the note. You can also view any patient notes and account notes.


Health History - The patient has a Health History entry. Click the button to view the entry.