Dentrix Canada

Posting scheduled work

When you complete an appointment, the procedures attached to the appointment are posted to the Patient Chart and Ledger.

To post appointment procedures to the Patient Chart and Ledger

1.   In the Appointment Book, select the appointment that you want to post complete.

2.   From the toolbar, click the Set Complete button.

The Set Appointment Procedures Complete dialog box appears.

Note: By default, all procedures attached to the appointment are selected.

3.   If a procedure has not been completed on this visit, clear the corresponding check box to remove the selection.

Note: If the patient has had additional treatment completed during this visit, post the work in the Patient Chart or the Ledger.

4.   Click Post/Set Complete.

The procedures are posted to the Patient Chart and the Ledger, and the appointment turns gray indicating that it has been completed.


·        If you attached a procedure that requires additional treatment information (such as a tooth number or surface) to the appointment using the Misc. button, you will not be able to post the procedure from the Appointment Book.

·        If any procedures were referred to the practice by another provider, a message box appears asking if you want to print a referral recap. Click Yes to print the recap or No to return to the Appointment Book without printing.