Ordering procedures by visit
You can organize procedures within a case into visits when more than one visit will be required to complete the treatment plan.
To order procedures by visit
1. Select a patient, and start the Treatment Planner.
The Treatment Planner window appears.
2. From the Treatment Plan Case Setup list, double-click the case whose procedures you want to order by visit.
3. Right-click the procedure to be completed during the first visit, and then from the shortcut menu, click Create Visit.
The first visit is created, and the procedure is moved to that visit and numbered.
4. Right-click the next procedure, and from the shortcut menu, click Create Visit.
Another visit is created, and the procedure is moved to the second position in the list.
5. Continue creating visits until all of the procedures are in order.
As you create visits, the number of the visit is increased chronologically (1,2,3, and so forth).
Note: You can also create visits by clicking the Create Visit button in the lower-right corner of the Treatment Plan Case Setup panel.
6. To move a procedure, right-click it, and then from the shortcut menu, click Move to Visit #.