Creating questionnaire forms
If none of the default forms listed in the Questionnaire Setup dialog box meets your needs, you can create new or edit the default forms. You can also set an expiration period for responses so that periodically your patients must reconfirm their information.
To create a questionnaire form
1. In the Questionnaire Setup dialog box, click New Form.
The New Questionnaire Form Options dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following:
· Copy Selected Form to create a new form based on a selected one.
· Start with Blank Form to create a new form from a blank template.
3. Click OK.
The Questionnaire Form Setup dialog box appears.
4. Complete the following:
· Form Category – Select the form category that you want to use from the list.
Note: The listed categories were set up previously.
· Form Name – Type the name that you want to use to identify this questionnaire form.
· Respondents – Select the group, such as patient or provider/staff, that will respond to this questionnaire.
Note: Some forms contain information that is patient-specific or provider/staff-specific. If you select a respondent group that is different from the group that the questions are tailored to, an error message appears.
· Include Practice Information – Select to include your practice contact information on the form.
Note: Practice information is always included when you select Provider/Staff from the Respondents list.
· Responses to form expire every – Select to set an expiration period for responses, and then set the number of months that you want to elapse before your patients must reconfirm their responses.
5. To require a signature, select one or more of the following:
· Patient
· Provider
· Witness
Note: In the Form Questions pane, questions are listed under Question, and response types are listed on the same line under Response Type. Under Req, you can select the questions that you want to require an answer to. Dentrix will not allow the questionnaire to be submitted until all of the required questions are answered.
6. Edit the questions listed in the Form Questions pane.
Note: The questions appear on the questionnaire form in the same order and are set up as shown in the Form Questions pane.
7. To preview and print the form, click View/Print Form, and then click Close.