Entering provider/staff responses
You and the other members of the dental staff can enter responses to the questionnaire forms that are specific to providers or staff members directly in the Questionnaires module.
To enter provider/staff responses
1. In the Questionnaires module, in the File menu, click Select Provider/Staff.
The Select Provider/Staff dialog box appears.
2. Select the appropriate provider or staff member and click OK.
The Questionnaire List pane changes to include the With Responses, Needs Responses, and Signed Patient Questionnaire tabs.
3. Click Edit, and then click Enter New Responses.
The Select Questionnaire Form dialog box appears.
4. Select the questionnaire form that you want to enter responses for, and then click OK.
The selected form opens.
5. Type the response information in the form.
6. When you have entered all your responses in the form, click Submit to save your responses.