Dentrix Canada

Customizing the Graphic Chart

You can modify the display of the Graphic Chart.

Note: By default, Dentrix selects all options except Show Data.

To customize the Graphic Chart

1.   In the Graphic Chart, click Show Options.

Display Options appears.

2.   Select or clear the display options that you want to see in the Graphic Chart.

·        Show Data - Select to display the data from the Data Chart in the rows between the facial and lingual sides of the teeth. This option displays a combined Data and Graphic Chart.

·        Bleeding - Select to display any sites marked with bleeding. A graphic showing how bleeding is represented on the Graphic Chart appears to the right of the option.

·        Suppuration - Select to display any sites marked with suppuration. A graphic showing how suppuration is represented on the Graphic Chart appears to the right of the option.

·        Gingival Margin - Select to display a line that illustrates the gingival margin. The line extends from tooth to tooth on the Graphic Chart. A line showing the colour of the gingival margin appears to the right of the option.

·        Clinical Attachment Level - Select to display a line that indicates the clinical attachment level. The line extends from tooth to tooth on the Graphic Chart. A line showing the colour of the clinical attachment level appears to the right of the option.

·        Mucogingival Junction - Select to display a line that indicates the mucogingival junction. The line extends from tooth to tooth on the Graphic Chart. A line showing the colour of the mucogingival junction appears to the right of the option.

·        Mobility - Select to display a number that indicates the mobility of the tooth. Each level of mobility is represented by a number that is placed over the appropriate teeth. Graphics displaying the way mobility levels are represented on the Graphic Chart appear next to the option.

·        Furcation - Select to display a symbol that indicates furcation level. Furcation level symbols are placed below the root of the tooth. Each furcation level symbol and the corresponding furcation level appears to the right of the option.

·        Probing Depth - Select to display a symbol that indicates the probing depth of the exam. A colour block showing the way probing depths are represented on the Graphic Chart appears to the right of the option.

3.    If you do not want to view the display options, click Hide Options.