Viewing or editing fee schedules
In Dentrix, you can assign up to 999 fee schedules. You can edit these fee schedules to create custom fee schedules for each insurance carrier, provider, or patient. As you edit a fee schedule, the procedure code, the original fee associated with that code, the new fee amount, and the variance between the original and the new fee are displayed.
To view or edit a fee schedule
1. From the Maintenance menu in the Office Manager, point to Reference, and then click Fee Schedule Maintenance.
The Fee Schedule Maintenance dialog box appears.
2. Select a fee schedule from the list, and then click View/Edit.
The View/Edit Fee Schedule dialog box appears.
3. From the list, select the procedure code whose fee schedule you want to change.
4. Type the new fee in the AFTER column.
The variance between the fee in the BEFORE column and the AFTER column appears in the Difference column. If the new fee is more than the previous one, the cell is green, and the variance appears as a positive number. If the new fee is less than the previous one, the cell is red, and the variance appears as a negative number.
5. Click Save.