Dentrix Canada

Customizing referral specialties

The referral specialties are available for selection when you add a referral provider.

Note: You are limited to a total of 99 referral specialties.

To customize referral specialties

1.   From the Maintenance menu in the Office Manager, point to Practice Setup, and then click Definitions.

The Practice Definitions dialog box appears.

2.   From the Definition Type list, select Referral Specialties.

The current list of referral specialties appears.

3.   Do one of the following:

·        To add a new referral specialty, type a code and description under Definition Text, and then click Add.

·        To change a referral specialty, select the specialty that you want to change, type a new description, and then click Change. To learn more, click Changing a practice definition.

·        To delete a referral specialty, select it, and then click Delete. To learn more, click Deleting a practice definition.