Setting up your Practice Analysis
Practice Analysis data display on the Practice Analysis window in four separate columns, based on user-selected providers and date ranges. Also, you can customize each of these columns to display user-defined date ranges.
To set up your Practice Analysis
1. From the Analysis menu in the Office Manager, click Practice.
The Dentrix Practice Analysis (All) window appears.
2. From the Setup menu, click Analysis.
The Analysis Setup dialog box appears.
3. Under Select Provider(s), select the providers whose data you want to see. To view all providers, select All.
4. Under Col., customize what displays in the four columns in the Practice Analysis. For each column, the four possible options are as follows:
· Range - Select Range from the Type drop-down and clear Current to open the Select Date Range dialog box from which you can enter a date range. With Current selected, the Date (Range) is the current system date.
· MTD - Select MTD from the Type drop-down and clear Current to open the Select Month dialog box from which you can select a month. Even though month-to-date is typically used to show the current month’s totals, MTD does allow you to select any previous month that you have closed out.
· AVG - Select AVG from the Type drop-down and clear Current to open the Select Range for Average dialog box from which you can enter a date range. The average range totals and divides the selected month range into averages, such as a three or six month average. With Current selected, the Date (Range) is the previous three months.
· YTD - Select YTD from the Type drop-down and clear Current to open the Select Month dialog box from which you can select a month. Year-to-date works the same as a cutoff date. For example, by selecting 8/08 as the YTD date, only data stored from the practice’s starting month for the fiscal year to 8/08 will be displayed. With Current selected, the Date (Range) includes all data from the fiscal year’s beginning month to the current system date.
5. To save your settings as the default when you open the Practice Analysis, click Save as Default.
6. To return to the Practice Analysis window, click OK.
Any changes you made appear in the window.