Dentrix Canada

Dentist detail

If you selected Include Dentist Detail for Production, New Patient Analysis, and/or Schedule Management when setting up options for the report in the Practice Advisor Report dialog box, the report will include an extra page or pages with the Key Performance Indicators for Production, New Patient Analysis, and/or Schedule Management for each dentist on the report. For details about how to assign providers for and generate the report, see Running the Practice Advisor Report.

To view the Provider Detail report, from the Print Preview window, select “Practice Advisor - Provider Detail” from the Report list.

provider detail dropdown option.png

A. - The percentage of production from the selected dentists on the report

B. - The percentage of production from an individual dentist

Note: The percentage of all the listed providers will add up to 100% because the sum of each provider's percentage of production is 100% of the Dentist Production for all selected dentists percentage.