Dentrix Canada

Setting up allocation options

After setting up allocation options, you can apply pre-payments to a selected provider to prevent a credit on one provider's balance. Whenever you apply payments, any pre-payment is assigned automatically to a pre-specified provider (according to the setup option). When you apply subsequent charges, the credit balance is transferred automatically to reduce the appropriate provider's balance.

To enable the allocation option

1.   In the File menu in the Ledger, click Allocation Options Setup.

The Allocation Options Setup dialog box appears.

2.   To automatically apply any pre-payment to the selected provider, select Enable Automatic Pre-Payment Allocation, and then select the provider to apply the pre-payment to as a credit balance.

3.   Under Family Portion of Balance, and if the estimated family portion of the balance is less than 0, select one of the following:

·        Display 0.00 (Default)

·        Display credit amount

4.   Under Allocate Balances, select the Credit Adjustment Type that you want to use for credit allocations and the Charge Adjustment Type that you want to use for offsetting adjustments from their respective lists.

Note: We recommend that you set up a Credit Adjustment Type and Charge Adjustment Type specifically for allocation purposes.

5.   Select Itemize allocation offsetting adjustments for billing statements and family walkouts.

The adjustment types you selected (in step 4) appear on the billing statements for patients.

Note: If you do not select this option, transactions for the adjustment types you selected do not appear on the billing or family walkout statements but are included in the balance forward amount. The Credit and Charge Adjustment types may overcrowd the billing or family walkout statements and make them confusing for the patient receiving the bill.

6.   Click OK.