Dentrix Canada

Acquiring unfiled documents

With the Unfiled Documents option, you can acquire documents and images and add them to the Document Center as unfiled documents. This feature may be used for a single document but is intended to allow batch documents to be acquired and completed later by adding document information and assigning attachments. This feature is helpful for importing multi-page picture documents.

You can only import documents and images with the following file extensions into the Unfiled Documents dialog box: .jpg, .tif, .gif, .bmp, .txt, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, . xlsx, .ppt, and .rtf.

You must use one of the following methods for a document to become an unfiled document:

·        By printing to the Document Center printer driver from another application (this will import the document into the Unfiled Documents dialog box as a pdf).

·        By acquiring a new document from the Unfiled Documents dialog box from a file, a device, or the Windows Clipboard.

·        By removing all attachments from a document and choosing to make it an unfiled document.

To acquire an unfiled document

1.   From the Acquire menu in the Document Center, click Unfiled Documents.

The Unfiled Documents window appears.

2.   From the toolbar, click the appropriate toolbar button to do the following:

·        Acquire - To acquire a document from a device (disabled if no device is detected), import from a file, paste from the Clipboard, or complete a screen capture.

·        Document Information - To view document information. (This button is disabled if more than one document is selected.)

·        Combine Documents - To combine two or more selected documents into one document with multiple pages. (This button is disabled if only one document is selected.)

·        Delete - To delete a document. (This button is disabled if no document is selected.)

·        Show Preview - To show or hide the preview pane.

·        Refresh - To refresh the list of documents.

·        Attach a document to the selected patient - To attach a document.