Viewing the details of a claim on an ERA
You can view the details of each claim that pertains to an ERA that Dentrix Ascend receives through the clearinghouse.
To view the details of a claim on an ERA
How to get there
If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.
On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments.
The Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page opens.
Select the ERA Payments tab on the left panel.
ERAs for claims that correspond to the current location appear.
On the ERA Payments tab of a location's Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page, click (or tap) an ERA on the left panel.
On the left panel, the patient name and payment amount of each claim that pertains to the selected ERA appears.
On the left panel, select a claim. On the right, the details of the claim appear.
Note: To open the ledger of a patient with a matched claim on the ERA, click (or tap) the patient's name or the Go to Ledger link near the top. The patient's Ledger page opens on a new browser tab.