Viewing received ERAs
In Dentrix Ascend, you can view the ERAs that have been received at your location.
Note: Each location in your organization has its own ERA inbox.
To view received ERAs
If the location that you are logged in to has unread ERAs in its inbox, a red dot with a number appears next to your user name on the User menu. The number on the dot indicates the total number of unread messages, online payments, Denti-Cal reports, and ERAs for that location.
On the User menu, under Inbox, click (or tap) ERAs.
The Inbox page opens with the ERAs tab selected. The ERAs that have been sent to your location appear.
Note: For an ERA with multiple claims ("Multiple" appears in the Patient Name column), you can expand that ERA entry to view the corresponding claims.
Do any of the following as needed:
To search for ERAs by carrier name or patient name, enter all or part of a name, and then press Enter (or click, or tap, the Search for [text] option that appears below the box.
To filter the ERAs by date, do the following:
Click (or tap) View to open the menu.
Select one of the following options:
All history - To view ERAs for any date.
Range - To view ERAs on a specified date or within a specified date range. With this option selected, click (or tap) in the box, and then select Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month, Specific Date (and choose the date), or Custom Range (and choose the starting and ending dates).
Click (or tap) Done.
To view an ERA or manually process an incomplete ERA, click (or tap) the corresponding Carrier Name link or Patient Name link. You are taken to ERA Payments tab of the Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page, and the applicable ERA is selected automatically.
To mark an ERA as having been read, select the corresponding Read checkbox.
Note: An unread ERA appears in a bold typeface in the list.