Viewing fee schedule associations
You can quickly verify which locations, insurance plans, providers, and patients are associated with a fee schedule.
To view fee schedule associations
On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Fee Schedules.
The Fee Schedules page opens.
Note: To search for a fee schedule, begin typing part of the name of a fee schedule in the Search for Fee Schedule box, and continue typing as needed to narrow down the list.
Select a fee schedule.
The options for editing the fee schedule become available.
Select the Associations tab.
Click (or tap) a category (Locations, Insurance Plans, Providers, or Patients) or the Expand All link to view the associations.
You must remove all associations before you can delete the fee schedule.
You cannot remove associations with locations, providers, and patients from this page. You must do so by going to the source of the association (for example, a provider's user account) and removing or changing the selected fee schedule for that source. You can remove associations with insurance plans from this page.