Understanding the Clinical reports
This topic explains what the data fields on the Clinical reports correspond to in Dentrix Ascend and how the measures are calculated for the Clinical reports.
Analysis Treatment Plan Reports
The following reports use the same data fields and measures:
Treatment Tracker
Unscheduled Treatment - Pie Chart
Analysis Treatment Plan Report Builder
Predetermination - Tracking
Predetermination - Unsent
Data Fields and Measures (click here to show/hide)
Appt Time - The starting time of an appointment.
Appt Date - The date of an appointment.
Scheduled? - If a procedure is scheduled.
Appt Status - The status of an appointment.
Case Status - The status of a treatment plan case.
Case Name - The name of a treatment plan case.
Current Status
Current Status - The status of a version of a procedure at a given date in time, according to its revision history. The status can be Active or Cancelled.
Time Zone - The time zone of a location in your organization.
Location - The name of a location in your organization. Only the locations that you have access to are available.
Website - The website address of a location in your organization.
Amount - The fee for a procedure (treatment-planned or not) that is attached to an appointment.
Patient Count - The number of distinct patients on the report.
Procedure Count - The number of distinct procedures (treatment-planned or not) that are attached to appointments on the report.
Ortho Patient - Whether a patient is flagged as an orthodontic patient ("Y" if yes; "N" if no).
Chart Number - The chart number of a patient.
Discount Plan - The discount plan assigned to a patient.
Gender - The gender of a patient.
State - The state of a patient.
City - The city of a patient.
Postal Code - The ZIP Code/postal code of a patient.
Next Appointment Date - The date of a patient's next appointment. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
External ID - The external ID of a patient.
Ascend Patient ID - The ID of a patient in Dentrix Ascend.
Patient Status - The status of a patient (such as active or inactive).
Preferred Location - The preferred location for a patient.
Primary Contact Email - The email address of a patient's primary contact.
Primary Contact Name - The name of a patient's primary contact. Uses a "Last name, First name" format..
Primary Contact Phone - The phone number of a patient's primary contact.
Primary Prov - The short name of a patient's primary provider (the ID that appears throughout Dentrix Ascend to identify him or her).
Primary Provider - The name of a patient's primary provider. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Patient - The name of a patient. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Patient.Birth Date
Birth Date - The birth date of a patient.
Patient Demographics
Ethnicity Code - The CDC code used for the ethnicity of a patient.
Ethnicity - The CDC description used for the ethnicity of a patient.
Race Code - The CDC code used for the race of a patient.
Race - The CDC description used for the race of a patient.
Patient Primary Ins
Pat. Prim. Plan - The name of an insurance plan.
Pat. Prim. Carrier - The name of an insurance carrier.
Prim. Subscriber ID - The ID of the subscriber of an insurance plan.
Pat. Prim. Fee Schedule - The fee schedule associated with an insurance plan.
Patient Secondary Ins
Pat. Sec. Plan - The name of an insurance plan.
Pat. Sec. Carrier - The name of an insurance carrier.
Sec. Subscriber ID - The ID of the subscriber of an insurance plan.
Pat. Sec. Fee Schedule - The fee schedule associated with an insurance plan.
PreD Created Date - The date a predetermination was created. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Sent Date - The date a predetermination was sent. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Status Date - The date of a status change of a predetermination. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Carrier - The name of an insurance carrier.
PreD ID - The unique ID of a predetermination.
PreD Coverage Type - Whether a predetermination was submitted for primary or secondary insurance coverage. This field reflects only the most recent submission.
PreD Payer ID - The payer ID of an insurance carrier.
PreD Plan - The name of an insurance plan.
PreD Status Note - The text of a status note of a predetermination.
PreD Status Source - The source of a status change of a predetermination (such as a payer or a user).
PreD Status - The status of a predetermination.
Proc Treatment Area - The treatment area (such as tooth or arch) of a procedure.
Proc. Recare Type - The recare type that is associated with a procedure.
Proc Alias - The alias procedure code of a procedure.
Proc Category - The Procedure Code Category of a procedure.
Proc Code - The procedure code of a procedure.
Proc Desc - The abbreviated description of a procedure.
Proc Description - The description of a procedure.
Prov - The short name of a provider (the ID that appears throughout Dentrix Ascend to identify him or her).
Provider - The name of a provider. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Specialty - The specialty of a provider.
Reason - The "Other" reason(s) specified for an appointment.
Transaction Date.Date (ISO)
Date - The date entered when posting or modifying a transaction. Uses the international date format (yyyy-mm-dd).
Transaction Date.Date (YMD)
Year - The year of the date entered when posting or modifying a transaction. Uses the four-digit identifier (yyyy).
Month - The month of the date entered when posting or modifying a transaction. Uses an abbreviated name (Jan, Feb, Mar, and so forth).
Day - The day of the month of the date entered when posting or modifying a transaction.
Transaction Date.Date (local)
Date - The date entered when posting or modifying a transaction. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Interactive Treatment Plan Reports
The following reports use the same data fields:
Unscheduled Treatment
Interactive Treatment Plan Report Builder
Data Fields (click here to show/hide)
Procedure Count - The number of distinct procedures on the report.
Procedure Category - The Procedure Code Category of a treatment-planned procedure.
Abbreviated Description - The abbreviated description of a treatment-planned procedure.
Description - The description of a treatment-planned procedure.
Code - The procedure code of a treatment-planned procedure.
Proc Alias - The alias for a treatment-planned procedure.
Amount - The amount of a treatment-planned procedure.
Location Fee - The fee for a scheduled procedure (treatment-planned or not).
Recare Type - The type of recare.
Recare Description - The description of a recare type.
Recare Interval - The interval of a recare type.
Case Status - The status of a treatment plan.
Current Status - The status of a version of a procedure at a given date in time, according to its revision history. The status can be Active or Cancelled.
Procedure Status - The status of a treatment-planned procedure.
Transaction Date - The date that a treatment-planned procedure was posted.
Case Expiration Date - The expiration date of a treatment plan.
Current Status Date - The date of a given version of a procedure, according to its revision history.
Duration - The total time required for a treatment plan.
Case Name - The name of a treatment plan.
Visit - The visit a treatment-planned procedure belongs to.
Case Note - The note attached to a treatment plan.
Patient - The name of a patient. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Last Procedure Date - The date of the procedure that was performed most recently on a patient. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Status - The status of a patient (such as active or inactive).
Ortho Patient - Whether a patient is flagged as an orthodontic patient ("Y" if yes; "N" if no).
Email - The email address of a patient's primary contact person.
Phone - The first phone number listed for the primary contact person for a patient.
Address - The address of the primary contact person for a patient.
Last Visit - The date of a patient's most recent visit. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
First Visit - The date of a patient's first visit. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
First Name - The first name of a patient.
Last Name - The last name of a patient.
Middle Name - The middle name of a patient.
Preferred Name - The preferred name or nickname of a patient.
Gender - The gender of a patient.
Date Of Birth - The date of birth of a patient. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Address Line 1 - The street address of a patient's primary contact person.
Address Line 2 - The second line of the street address of a patient's primary contact person.
City - The city of a patient's primary contact person.
State - The state of a patient's primary contact person.
ZIP Code - The ZIP Code/postal code of a patient's primary contact person.
PrimaryContactName - The name of a patient's primary contact. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Next Appointment Date - The date of a patient's next appointment. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Chart Number - The chart number of a patient.
Ascend Patient ID - The ID of a patient in Dentrix Ascend.
External ID - The external ID of a patient.
Remaining Benefits Primary - The benefits that remain on a patient's primary insurance plan.
Remaining Benefits Primary Ortho - The ortho benefits that remain on a patient's primary insurance plan.
Remaining Benefits Secondary - The benefits that remain on a patient's secondary insurance plan.
Remaining Benefits Secondary Ortho - The ortho benefits that remain on a patient's secondary insurance plan.
Renewal Month Primary - The renewal month for a patient's primary insurance plan.
Renewal Month Secondary - The renewal month for a patient's secondary insurance plan.
Primary Provider - The name of a patient's primary provider. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Primary Prov - The short name of a patient's primary provider (the ID that appears throughout Dentrix Ascend to identify him or her).
Primary Guarantor
Primary Guarantor - The name of a patient's primary guarantor. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Status - The patient status of a patient's primary guarantor (such as active or inactive).
Email - The email address of a patient's primary guarantor.
Phone - The primary phone number of a patient's primary guarantor.
Address - The address of a patient's primary guarantor.
First Name - The first name of a patient's primary guarantor.
Last Name - The last name of a patient's primary guarantor.
Middle Name - The middle name of a patient's primary guarantor.
Preferred Name - The preferred name or nickname of a patient's primary guarantor.
Gender - The gender of a patient's primary guarantor.
Date Of Birth - The birth date of a patient's primary guarantor.
Address Line 1 - The street address of a patient's primary guarantor.
Address Line 2 - The second line of the street address of a patient's primary guarantor.
City - The city of a patient's primary guarantor.
State - The state of a patient's primary guarantor.
ZIP Code - The ZIP Code/postal code of a patient's primary guarantor.
Primary Contact
Primary Contact - The name of a patient's primary contact. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Email - The email address of a patient's primary contact.
Phone - The primary phone number of a patient's primary contact.
Address - The address of a patient's primary contact.
First Name - The first name of a patient's primary contact.
Last Name - The last name of a patient's primary contact.
Middle Name - The middle name of a patient's primary contact.
Preferred Name - The preferred name or nickname of a patient's primary contact.
Gender - The gender of a patient's primary contact.
Date Of Birth - The birth date of a patient's primary contact.
Address Line 1 - The street address of a patient's primary contact.
Address Line 2 - The second line of the street address of a patient's primary contact.
City - The city of a patient's primary contact.
State - The state of a patient's primary contact.
ZIP Code - The ZIP Code/postal code of a patient's primary contact.
Location - The name of a location in your organization. Only the locations that you have access to are available.
OrganizationID -The organization ID for all locations in your organization.
Appointment Status - The status of an appointment.
Date Scheduled - The date of an appointment. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Start Time - The starting time of an appointment.
Count - The number of scheduled appointments.
Reason - The "Other" reason(s) specified for an appointment.
Scheduled? - If a procedure is scheduled.
LedgerKey - The type of ledger entry (such as an insurance payment or a credit adjustment).
Note - The note of a ledger entry.
Description - The description of a ledger entry.
Category - The category (type of transaction) that a ledger entry pertains to.
Subcategory - The subcategory that a ledger entry pertains to.
Specialty - The specialty of a provider.
Active - The status of a provider (active or inactive).
IsPrimaryProvider - Whether a provider is a primary-care provider (such as a dentist or hygienist).
SignatureOnFile - Whether a provider has a signature on file.
MedicareNumber - The Medicare Number of a provider.
CommercialNumber - The commercial number of a provider.
Title - A provider's title.
CS - A provider's CS.
ProviderNumber - A provider's number.
StateLicenseNUmber - The state license number of a provider.
Tin - The TIN of a provider.
UPin - The UPIN of a provider.
BlueCrossNumber - The Blue Cross Number of a provider.
BlueShieldNumber - The Blue Shield NUmber of a provider.
Prov - The short name of a provider (the ID that appears throughout Dentrix Ascend to identify him or her).
DEA - The DEA Number of a provider.
Npi - The NPI of a provider.
Provider - The name of a provider. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
MedicaidID - The Medicaid ID of a provider.
Patient Primary Ins Plan
Pat. Prim. Fee Schedule - The fee schedule associated with an insurance plan.
Pat. Prim. Plan - The name of an insurance plan.
Pat. Prim. Carrier - The name of an insurance carrier.
Patient Secondary Ins Plan
Pat. Sec. Fee Schedule - The fee schedule associated with an insurance plan.
Pat. Sec. Plan - The name of an insurance plan.
Pat. Sec. Carrier - The name of an insurance carrier.
PreD Created Date - The date a predetermination was created. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Sent Date - The date a predetermination was sent. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Status Date - The date of a status change of a predetermination. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Carrier - The name of an insurance carrier.
PreD ID - The unique ID of a predetermination.
PreD Coverage Type - Whether a predetermination was submitted for primary or secondary insurance coverage. This field reflects only the most recent submission.
PreD Payer ID - The payer ID of an insurance carrier.
PreD Plan - The name of an insurance plan.
PreD Status Note - The text of a status note of a predetermination.
PreD Status Source - The source of a status change of a predetermination (such as a payer or a user).
PreD Status - The status of a predetermination.
PreD Phone - The phone number of the contact person for an insurance carrier.
PreD Ext - The phone extension of the contact person for an insurance carrier.
PreD URL - The website address of an insurance carrier.
Analysis Procedure Tracking Report Builder
Data Fields and Measures (click here to show/hide)
SNODENT Description - The description of a SNODENT code.
ICD10Code - An ICD-10 diagnostic code.
ICD10Term - The description of an ICD-10 diagnostic code.
Cond. Affected Area - The general treatment area of a condition.
Time Zone - The time zone of a location in your organization.
Location - The name of a location in your organization. Only the locations that you have access to are available.
Website - The website address of a location in your organization.
Condition Types
Patient Conditions
Patient Procedures
Procedure Types
Organization Type - Indicates whether the organization is real or for testing purposes only.
Customer ID - Your organization's customer ID (which can be used to log in).
Organization Name - The name of your organization (or the organization log-in ID).
Ortho Patient - Whether a patient is flagged as an orthodontic patient ("Y" if yes; "N" if no).
Chart Number - The chart number of a patient.
Gender - The gender of a patient.
State - The state of a patient.
City - The city of a patient.
Postal Code - The ZIP Code/postal code of a patient.
External ID - The external ID of a patient.
Ascend Patient ID - The ID of a patient in Dentrix Ascend.
Patient Status - The status of a patient (such as active or inactive).
Patient - The name of a patient. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Patient.Birth Date
Birth Date - The birth date of a patient.
Patient Condition
Cond. Status - The status (active or treated) of a patient's condition.
Cond. Th/Surface - The details of a patient's condition.
Cond. Notes - The notes associated with a patient's condition.
Patient Condition Date
Cond. Serv. Year - The year of the date entered when a patient's condition was posted. Uses the four-digit identifier (yyyy).
Cond. Serv. Month - The month of the date entered when a patient's condition was posted. Uses an abbreviated name (Jan, Feb, Mar, and so forth).
Cond. Serv. Day - The day of the month of the date entered when a patient's condition was posted. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Cond. Entry Date - The date when a patient's condition was created. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Cond. Entry Year - The year when a patient's condition was created. Uses the four-digit identifier (yyyy).
Cond. Entry Month - The month when a patient's condition was created. Uses an abbreviated name (Jan, Feb, Mar, and so forth).
Cond. Entry Day - The day of the month when a patient's condition was created. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Cond. Serv. Date - The date entered when a patient's condition was posted. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Patient Procedure
Proc. Notes - The notes associated with a patient's procedure.
Proc. Status - The status (active or treated) of a patient's procedure.
Proc. Th/Surface - The details of a patient's procedure.
Patient Procedure Date
Proc. Entry Date - The date when a patient's procedure was created. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Proc. Entry Year - The year when a patient's procedure was created. Uses the four-digit identifier (yyyy).
Proc. Entry Month - The month when a patient's procedure was created. Uses an abbreviated name (Jan, Feb, Mar, and so forth).
Proc. Entry Day - The day of the month when a patient's procedure was created. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Proc. Serv. Date - The date entered when a patient's procedure was posted. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Proc. Serv. Year - The year of the date entered when a patient's procedure was posted. Uses the four-digit identifier (yyyy).
Proc. Serv. Month - The month of the date entered when a patient's procedure was posted. Uses an abbreviated name (Jan, Feb, Mar, and so forth).
Proc. Serv. Day - The day of the month of the date entered when a patient's procedure was posted. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Carrier - The name of an insurance carrier.
PreD ID - The unique ID of a predetermination.
PreD Coverage Type - Whether a predetermination was submitted for primary or secondary insurance coverage. This field reflects only the most recent submission.
PreD Payer ID - The payer ID of an insurance carrier.
PreD Plan - The name of an insurance plan.
PreD Status Note - The text of a status note of a predetermination.
PreD Status Source - The source of a status change of a predetermination (such as a payer or a user).
PreD Status - The status of a predetermination.
PreD Created Date - The date a predetermination was created. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Sent Date - The date a predetermination was sent. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
PreD Status Date - The date of a status change of a predetermination. Uses the date format for your region (such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
Primary Provider.Patient
Primary Prov - The short name of a patient's primary provider (the ID that appears throughout Dentrix Ascend to identify him or her).
Primary Provider - The name of a patient's primary provider. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Proc. Recare Type - The recare type of a procedure.
Proc. Alias - The alias procedure code of a procedure.
Proc. Category - The Procedure Code Category of a procedure.
Proc. Code - The procedure code of a procedure.
Proc. Desc - The abbreviated description of a procedure.
Proc. Description - The description of a procedure.
Prov - The short name of a provider (the ID that appears throughout Dentrix Ascend to identify him or her).
Provider - The name of a provider. Uses a "Last name, First name" format.
Specialty - The specialty of a provider.
Tx Case
Case Name - The name of a treatment plan case.
Case Status - The status of a treatment plan case.
Tx Case Date
Case Status Year - The year of the most recent status change for a treatment plan case.
Case Status Month - The month of the most recent status change for a treatment plan case.
Case Status Day - The day of the month of the most recent status change for a treatment plan case.
Tx Status Date
Case Status Date - The date of the most recent status change for a treatment plan case.