Understanding claim statuses
A claim can have various statuses during its lifetime. Statuses can vary by payer.
Stage 1 - You create the claim in Dentrix Ascend:
Unsent (UNSENT).
Stage 2 - You submit the claim electronically. Possible statuses:
Queued (QUEUED).
Sent (SENT).
Resubmitted (RESUB).
For a claim without attachments (or if the payer does not accept attachments):
Received (RECEIVED) - The initial status.
For a claim with attachments (if the payer accepts attachments):
Attachment Hold (NEAHOLD) - The ID for the attachment was requested.
Attachment Error (NEAERROR) - The attachment ID was not received.
In Transit (EXTRACTED) - The claim was extracted and sent to the clearinghouse.
Rejected by eServices (REJECTSV) - The claim did not pass validation upon extraction.
Stage 3 - Dentrix Ascend sends the claim to the clearinghouse. Possible statuses:
Accepted (ACCEPTED) - The clearinghouse received the claim. (If the payer does not provide status updates, this is the final status; ignore stage 4.)
Rejected by Payer (REJECTED) - The claim failed validation.
Unprocessable Claim (UNPROCESS) - The claim could not be processed, which is similar to Rejected.
Stage 4 - The clearinghouse forwards the claim to the payer. Possible statuses (if the payer provides any status updates):
Accepted (ACCEPTED).
Rejected by Another Entity (REJECTED).
Unprocessable Claim (UNPROCESS).
Paid (PAID) - The payment was sent by the carrier but not received by your office.
Zero Payment (ZEROPAY) - Zero or no payment.
Additional Information Requested (ADDINFO) - Additional information is needed.
Pending (PENDING).
Settled (SETTLED).
Stage 5 - You enter the insurance payment (for zero or more dollars) in Dentrix Ascend:
Payment Received (PAYRECVD).
Other possible statuses:
Printed (PRINTED).
Deleted (DELETED).
Voided (VOID).