Time Clock Summary Report
The Time Clock Summary Report displays time clock history for all users within a specific date range.
Note: If you are a payroll administrator, to view the time clock history for a location, the user role that is assigned to your user account for accessing that location must be granted the "Time Clock Summary Report" right.
To view the Time Clock Summary Report
On the Home menu, under Location, click (or tap) Time Clock Summary.
The Time Clock Summary page opens.
Under Filters, set up the following options:
Locations - Select the locations that you want to view time clock history for:
Select the All checkbox to view time clock history for all the locations in your organization that you have permission to view this report for.
Select or clear the checkbox next to the current location name to view or to not view the time clock history for that location. However, at least one location must be selected.
Click (or tap) the [#] of [#] location(s) selected or All locations selected link to select or deselect locations.
Note: Of the locations that you have access to, only the ones that you have the "Time Clock Summary" right for are available.
Date Range - By default, the Date Range is set to include time clock punches for the past seven days, but you can specify a different date range. Click (or tap) in the box, and then select the desired date (today, yesterday, or a specific date) or date range (last 7 days, this month, last month, or a custom range).
Click (or tap) Search.
The summary report appears.
Time clock punches are grouped by location and then by user. When you expand a user's section to view the daily details, there is a row for each day in the specified Date Range for the report, and each row contains all of that user's time punches, if any, for that day.
If your organization has multiple locations, on the report, a time punch in one location appears in every location and is adjusted for time zone differences if applicable.
A warning symbol next to a user's Total Hours means that the user has missing time punches.
Currently, hourly rates and the tracking of earnings are not part of the time clock.
To export a summary of the time card history, according to the date range displayed, click (or tap) Export. The summary report is saved as a .csv file. For each user, the report includes the total hours within the date range but not the individual punches or information about locations and dates. However, the report does indicate if a user has missing punches.