Statement Submission Report

The Statement Submission Report provides insight into your billing activity. The report lists the billing statements that have been sent electronically, printed in-office, and printed and mailed for you during a specified date range. Also, the report provides details regarding each of those statements.

To view the Statement Submission Report

  1. On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Statement Submission Report.

    The Statement Submission Report page opens.

  2. Set up the following options:

    • Locations - The statement submissions for the selected locations. Do any of the following:

      • Leave the checkbox next to the current location name selected to view statements for only that location.

      • Select the All checkbox to view statements for all locations in the organization.

      • Click the 1 of [#] location(s) selected link to select or deselect locations.

      Note: Only locations that you have access to are available.

    • Date Range - The date or date range of statement submissions to include on the report. Leave the date range for this month selected, or select the desired date (today, yesterday, or a specific date) or date range (last 7 days, last 30 days, or a custom range).

  3. Click (or tap) Search.

  4. On the report, the Electronic eStatements, Printed in Office, and Printed & Mailed for Me sections each have a number in parentheses that indicates the number of statements of that type and a balance that equals the sum of the "Please Pay This Amount" values from those statements. Expand a section to view details of each of the corresponding statements: the date and time, the type (patient or guarantor), the patient or guarantor's name, where it was generated (from a batch of statements, from a patient's ledger, from a patient's walkout, or using Dentrix Ascend's print-and-mail statement fulfillment service), and the amount due.

    Note: If a section has more than 100 statements, click (or tap) the Show More link to list more statements.

  5. To print the report as viewed, click (or tap) Print.

Tip: To open the ePay website on a new browser tab, click (or tap) the Dentrix Ascend Account Portal link. When you log in, you can view and pay invoices for your organization's Dentrix Ascend subscription and usage of the print-and-mail service. If your organization already has a credit card on file, you will continue being billed as usual; you do not need ePay credentials to use the print-and-mail service. If you do not have ePay credentials, to get credentials, contact a member of the Henry Schein One finance/billing team.