Processing unsent claims
From the practice dashboard, you can review claims for errors before you submit those claims. Options for editing, deleting, and sending each claim are provided. A claim that has not yet been submitted to an insurance carrier also appears on the Unsent Claims List.
To process an unsent claim
On the Home menu, under Location, click (or tap) Overview.
The location's Overview page opens.
The Unsent Claims box displays the number of unsent insurance claims and a total of the charges for those claims. Click (or tap) the box.
The Unsent Claims page opens.
On the list of unsent claims, leave the first claim selected, or click (or tap) a different claim.
Note: By default, the claims are sorted chronologically by service date. You can sort the list chronologically or reverse chronologically by the service dates of claims, alphabetically or reverse alphabetically by the first names of patients on claims, or numerically or reverse numerically by the billed amount for claims.
The claim options become available.
Note: To reduce delays or non-payments from insurance carriers, Dentrix Ascend alerts you when, according to NEA guidelines, supporting documentation is recommended for any procedures on a claim. For a secondary (or tertiary or quaternary) insurance claim, a warning message includes a recommendation to attach the EOBs from the corresponding primary (and/or secondary and/or tertiary) claims before submitting the secondary (or tertiary or quaternary) claim.
An orange warning icon appears for a claim in the Patient List column when claim attachments are recommended.
While viewing the options for a claim with an attachment warning, to see the applicable procedures and recommended attachment types, click the Show details link. In the pop-up message that appears, you can click Add Attachment(s) to open the claim so you can add attachments.
You can ignore a warning and submit the claim without the recommended attachments.
Important: Ignore an attachment recommendation only if you are certain that the payer does not require supporting documentation for the procedure.
Note: For an electronic claim submission, Dentrix Ascend transmits separate service lines for identical procedures on the same claim. For the known carriers, such as Medicaid and Blue Cross/Blue Shield, that require a single line with a quantity value for identical procedures on the the same claim, claims are processed accordingly through the clearinghouse. If you receive a notice from a payer, stating that a quantity value is required for identical procedures, contact Dentrix Ascend Customer Support with that information so the needed functionality can be provided.
Click (or tap) Review/Edit to view the claim. In the Claim Detail dialog box, make any necessary changes, and then click (or tap) Save.
Click (or tap) Send Claim.