Predetermination - Tracking Report
The Predetermination - Tracking Report displays the status (as Dentrix Ascend receives it from the clearinghouse) for each predetermination that has been sent to payers in the last 180 days. Use this report to follow up with or resubmit predeterminations to payers and to follow up with patients regarding their predeterminations.
Also, because the report is grouped by insurance carrier, it may help you identify patterns with certain payers. For example, if a specific carrier consistently takes an extended period of time to accept predeterminations, you can follow up to find out why this is happening.
To generate the report
On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Power Reporting.
The Power Reporting page opens.
Click (or tap) the Predetermination - Tracking icon.
The report appears.
The report displays the following information for each predetermination:
PreD Carrier - The name of the insurance carrier that the predetermination was sent to.
PreD Coverage Type - Whether the predetermination was submitted for primary or secondary insurance coverage. This field reflects only the most recent submission.
PreD Status - The status of the predetermination. The following statuses are possible:
Additional Information Requested
Payment Received
Unprocessable Claim
Zero Payment
Patient - The name of the patient on the predetermination.
PreD ID - The unique ID of the predetermination.
PreD Sent Date - The date when the predetermination was sent to the payer.
PreD Status Date - The date when the current status of the predetermination was received.
Scheduled/Unscheduled - If the patient has an appointment scheduled for the procedures on the predetermination, "Scheduled" appears; otherwise, "Unscheduled" appears.
Proc Code - The procedure codes on the predetermination. A code appears once regardless of how many instances of that code are on the predetermination.
Amount - For each procedure code on the predetermination, the amount that was submitted to the payer. If there are multiple instances of that code on the predetermination, the amount is the sum of all the instances of that code on the predetermination.
Tip: To see how many instances of each procedure code contribute to the Amount, you can add the Procedure Count data field to the report layout.
The data from your database syncs with the reporting system automatically and displays the time of the last sync on the Data as of button. Data entered in Dentrix Ascend after the time shown will not be available on the report until the next sync. To view the time when the next sync is expected to occur, click (or tap) the Data as of button.
Using the analysis report builder tools, add data fields to the layout, and set up filters as needed.
To save the report as a template for later use, click (or tap) Save. In the Save Report dialog box that appears, enter a name for the report, select whether you want to save the report as one of your reports (available only to you) or as an organization report (available to all users), and then click (or tap) OK.
From the More actions and options button
menu, click (or tap) an Export option to export the report as a .pdf, .xslx, or .csv file.