Payment Analysis Report

The payment analysis report displays how, when, and what types of payments are received at your practice for a specified date range.

To view the payment analysis report

  1. On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Payment Analysis.

    The Payment Analysis Report page opens.

  2. Set up the following options:

    • Locations - The payment receipts and payment type totals will be calculated for the selected locations. Do any of the following:

      • Select the All checkbox to view payment receipts and payment type totals for all locations and your organization.

      • Select the checkboxes next to any of the location names to view the payment receipts and payment type totals for each of those locations.

      • Click (or tap) Select Locations to select or deselect locations.

      Note: Only locations that you have access to are available.

    • Include Summary - To view the organization's payment receipts and payment type totals (the sum of the payment receipts and payment type totals for all locations in the organization), select the checkbox.

    • Date Range - The date or date range of payments to include on the report. Leave the current date selected, or select the desired date (today, yesterday, or a specific date) or date range (last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, or a custom range).

    • Run by - Select whether you want to run the report by Transaction date or Modified date.

      Note: The transaction date is different from the created/modified date in the following instances:

      • When posting a payment, you backdate it.

      • When editing a payment, you change the Transaction date, Amount, Check #, Reference #, Bank/branch #, Applied amounts, Tags, or Deductibles.

    • Payment Tags - You can filter the report by payment tags. Only the tags that have been attached to payments are available. Do any of the following for any tag that you want to use to filter the report (as you click (or tap) a tag button, the status changes):

      • To include those payments that have a specific tag attached, click (or tap) the corresponding tag button as needed to make a green stripe appear on the left side of the button.

      • To include those payments that do not have a specific tag attached, click (or tap) the corresponding tag button as needed to make a red stripe appear on the left side of the button.

      • To include payments whether or not they have a specific tag attached, click (or tap) the corresponding tag button as needed to make the button not have a colored stripe, or do not click (or tap) the button if it already does not have a stripe.

  3. Click (or tap) Search.

  4. To print the report, click (or tap) Print.

Tip: Under [Location Name] - Location Methods, you can expand Credit Card Payment to view subtotals by how the payment was entered into Dentrix Ascend: Manually entered, entered using an In-office card reader (through Dentrix Ascend Pay), and entered from an Online payment (through Dentrix Ascend Pay). These subtotals appear on the printed copy of the report only if Credit Card Payment is expanded when you click (or tap) Print.