Marking an ERA as Completed

If an ERA has been marked as Incomplete, you can mark that ERA as Completed.

To mark an ERA as Completed

  1. How to get there

    1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

    2. On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments.

      The Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page opens.

    3. Select the ERA Payments tab on the left panel.

      ERAs for claims that correspond to the current location appear.

    On the ERA Payments tab of a location's Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page, click (or tap) an incomplete ERA on the left panel (as indicated by the Remaining amount being $0.00).

    On the right, the ERA's payment date, reference number, payment amount, and claims appear.

  2. Click (or tap) Mark ERA Complete.